FLYTOOL - the Aviation-(Sports) APP bringing paperless Administration plus Safety Reporting & Management, at your fingertips

This application has been developed by IQS-TOOL – the Institute for Quality & Safety, in which TOOL aside from a handy instrument the abbreviation forms for:


the Aviation Regulations processing App, designed for...

… any Aviation Organization (Airport, Aviation Club, ATM, Flight Academy, etc.) and Competition Events,  Private Pilots and Aviation Sports practitioners. When signing up with FLY TOOL (depending the acquired subscription), following On-Line modules will be available:

  • Safety Management System (SMS)
  • Pilot & student Pilot Following System (PFS)
  • Logbook, Licensing & Members (LL&M)
  • Aircraft Maintenance, Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition/Org. (CAME/OPTA – MRO’s)
  • Data Analyses
  • Competition Administration, Reporting and Evaluation (any aviation sport discipline)

Each member of the conscious organization will be enabled to access the organizations private, password protected domain with encrypted data, at their assigned user level with the associated user rights. Using FLYTOOL is the automated answer to administrate your flights and being in compliance with latest regulations for General Aviation, Approved Training Organizations (ATO’s), Maintenance Repair Organizations (MRO’s), Airports, Air Traffic Management and Events organization such as Competitions.

App screen
App screen 2

Endless Possibilities

The system monitors all critical dates as defined by the organisation. For example; implementation dates for mitigating measures resulting from filed incidents reports and their evaluation dates but also due dates such as; expiration dates for licenses, medicals, certifications or periodic aircraft maintenance.

FLY TOOL generates automatic updates of flights and flight hours in the FLY TOOL – Logbook and transports these data parallel to the CAMO (OPTA) for the applicable registration together with complaints, entered during the flight.

Filing incident reports and the oversight of their administration and handling, by the submitter and responsible managers until the final review date, safety meeting and or training implementation, is supported by the FLYTOOL APP.

Push messages will signal the user when important expiry dates are being aproached. This alert period is adjustable.

The APP has an offline mode enabling instructors during instruction flights for instance, to log the progress and completed exercises in the trainingsyllabus of the prospective pilot. Aside from this purpose and incident reports purpose, the off-line feature facilitates the submission of maintenance complaints and their handling. At the moment the APP is within a Wi-Fi range all data entries will be exchanged with the server. As such FLY TOOL can be used 24 hours, every day. So even if there is no Wi-Fi network!

FLYTOOL is modular, which enables customization. The organization determines which modules they want, and at what level. They also determine how their system will be set up. When using multiple modules, the information generated and presented by FLYTOOL, greatly increase as the modules mutually will complement and deepen each other.

Available at all platforms

FlyTool is available for iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets, Windows phones and Thinkpads, plus as a Web-App. Download now your App for the platform you are using.

All Platforms

Easy to use

SMS - Module

The FLYTOOL  SMS – module is the complete On-Line solution for implementation and staying in compliance with the ICAO SARP doc 9859 Safety Management System requirements as applicable for General Aviation and Sport Flying (art 3.3.1) issued 2013.

The SMS module features an On Line reporting system for events and identified threats, which can be filed anonymously via the APP, or after login, into the APP. In both cases the report will be sent to the responsible (Club)-Safety Manager. The follow-up and monitoring function becomes available for the reporter, once a report was filed after login into the APP. If the report is forwarded by the Safety Manager it automatically will be deidentified by FLYTOOL, securing the Safety Manager will be the sole person who knows the identity of the reporter, if it was issued after login.

FLYTOOL presents sector related report ‘formats’ (Glider, Balloon, Engine, RPAS-drones, Para, etc), in order to maintain their own identity. Where applicable, intelligent fields in the report form, automatically adopt information from the FLYTOOL database or connected links (such as the METAR), thus limiting time required to fill out a report. In order to facilitate full analysis, the uniformity between these sector reports mutually, is protected as much as possible.

FLYTOOL generates a Total Overview, for each module and can be arranged at the users own discretion. The content depends on the authorization the user was given by the (club)-administrator. For the SMS module this may include all de-identified outstanding reports with assigned risk factor and their owner, date of notification, action and due date for implementation of the mitigating action(s) and its evaluation date. Also other SMS topics such as; safety meetings, dates and attendees, discussed agenda and annual safety topics, outstanding actions and their owner, audit results and safety trainings plus the participants, etc. may be included in this Total Overview.

Storage of all data, is encrypted and secured within a private (club)cloud-database, only accessible by the club-members through the APP with their private username and password. By using the APP at any mobile device or at a desktop, this data is accessible at anytime and anywhere. FLYTOOL-SMS interacts with the other FLYTOOL modules: PFS | LL & M | CAMO, accomplishing data exchange. This enables faster and more effective action on reports submitted and more effective monitoring for the impact of mitigating actions taken.

In business, within a few clicks

PFS - Module

The FLYTOOL (student) Pilot Following System (PFS) module provides functions around monitoring pilots within a club or ATO. Initially, this module is designed to reflect the progress of a trainee during the period in obtaining the objected certificate and to be used by; the student pilot, his instructors and the CFI or head of training. Of course it also works the other way and analyzes may indicate; the concerned instructor misses the right skills or shall be trained at certain elements. Or specific training details shall be arranged differently or added to the syllabus, or other devices/equipment is necessary, etc.

Instructors submit online their reports in the PFS-module, stating; training details or skipped/unfulfilled elements of a detail with their reason(s), performed exercises, extra training, interpretation and information about knowledge, preparation, airmanship and progress by the student pilot, etc. Through PFS, instructors and trainees are able to prepare themselves On-Line before each training flight. Instructors will understand the training status and progress of the assigned student. If desired so, comments from previous instructors, may be made transparent by head of training. The APP Off-Line feature, enables instructors to follow the training syllabus, fill it out and update it during the flight whilst being out of range of Wi-Fi. Once the APP becomes online, all data is exchanged with the server and incorporated into the (club or respective) database.

Together with the FLYTOOL – LL&M (License Logbook and Members) module the currency and exposure (legs, hrs. on type, VFR, IFR, multi-engine, day-night, difficult airports etc.) are updated, monitored and guarded by FLYTOOL, for all club members. This information also includes the activities and exposure data from other organizations where instructors, management pilots or pilots are active.

Off-line and Push signal, features

LL & M - Module

The FLYTOOL Logbook Licensing and Members (LL&M) module basically generates automatic updates of the logbook, after a flytool user enters; the number of cycles, landings, go-arounds, departure- and arrival station plus the aircraft registration. FLYTOOL calculates blocktime, airtime and accumulates hours on type and total hours including night and day time, once various time details are entered. Parallel the system automatically guards requirements and expiring dates as demanded by regulations or the organization’s requirements. If one of these critical data approaches a preset value, along with other legal requirements, as SE, ME,TRTI, IFR, Medical, etc., responsible managers and the person concerned, automatically will be signaled through a push notification at any pre-determined medium. (mobile, tablet, computer).

Interaction with the SMS and PFS – FLYTOOL modules allows to perform analysis which may result in the review of certain training requirements, training details or adjusting certain exposure requirements. This LL & M module provides besides monitoring of critical data, likewise access to issues such as, number of crosswind landings, night flying, VFR or IFR exposure, flights to airports with their particular difficulty, etc.

The FLYTOOL LL & M module makes it possible to administrate the list of members and their records, within the organization. In these files everything can be recorded what the organization considers to be important. For instance topics  such as;

– ICE (In Case of Emergency) – data
– Appointments made, authorizations, privileges
– Personal matters, restrictions
– Personal equipment, cards, keys,
– Ideas, events, corrections, additional training
– Appointments, performance reviews, consultations

Your Total Overview On Line, in one hand!

CAMO - Module

Aircraft owners, clubs or private parties, my desire to use the CAMO module. Once their current Maintenance Program is uploaded in FLYTOOL, this Program will be guarded by the system. Expiring dates as periodical inspections, and in connection with the Logbook and Licensing module, the hour’s limited inspections will be signaled by FLYTOOL at the user’s dashboard in the APP and a push signal.

Day to day maintenance recording and administration will become available for both parties, the owner and maintenance organization. As a result aircraft maintenance status will be available on-line, enabling an accurate and pro-active flight planning. Notifications applicable to the registration or its components, such as; AD’s SIB’s, SAIB’s, deferred defects, temporarily approved repairs etc., will be presented at the users dashboard in the FLYTOOL APP, once selected. Warranty periods for replaced components or repairs are guarded and will signal the user about the expiring date or approaching of the total hour’s number.

Damage and structural repairs are administrated. The complete history of an aircraft will become available digitally and if approved by the user, will be adopted into the collective FLYTOOL maintenance data base, allowing analysis of periodical inspections, frequent – unexpected failures at components or airplane parts. In return these analysis together with the information available from the SMS module, will help to evaluate; the maintenance program, maintenance organizations, manufacturers of aircraft and aircraft components. Ultimately this will create support for longer inspection intervals or redesign of specific components or parts.

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About us

IQS-TOOL ltd is part of IQS (Insitute for Quality and Safety) and represents for over more than 30 years of aviation experience, from the  work floor to the management of aircraft maintenance, training and operations.

F L Y – Total  Overview  On  Line

– is the result of a collaboration and joint effort between the Institute for Quality and Safety (IQS) and partner customers. Our expertise in defining processes and our experience about introducing, implementing and solid embedment of safety- and quality systems, forms the basis for FLYTOOL together with our basic starting point; a TOOL –providing a solid instrument, which must be flexible, robust, future-proof but above all, comply with the KIS – (Keep It Simple) principle. For our other product please visit us at

Require more information?
Invite us via:

or call us at:  + 31- (0) 6 40 41 77 01

no. 54564425- C.O.C. Utrecht, the Netherlands, Europe
IQS@TOOL.NU – general contact