the Aviation Regulations processing App, designed for...
… any Aviation Organization (Airport, Aviation Club, ATM, Flight Academy, etc.) and Competition Events, Private Pilots and Aviation Sports practitioners. When signing up with FLY TOOL (depending the acquired subscription), following On-Line modules will be available:
- Safety Management System (SMS)
- Pilot & student Pilot Following System (PFS)
- Logbook, Licensing & Members (LL&M)
- Aircraft Maintenance, Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition/Org. (CAME/OPTA – MRO’s)
- Data Analyses
- Competition Administration, Reporting and Evaluation (any aviation sport discipline)
Each member of the conscious organization will be enabled to access the organizations private, password protected domain with encrypted data, at their assigned user level with the associated user rights. Using FLYTOOL is the automated answer to administrate your flights and being in compliance with latest regulations for General Aviation, Approved Training Organizations (ATO’s), Maintenance Repair Organizations (MRO’s), Airports, Air Traffic Management and Events organization such as Competitions.